Current Obsessions: blogs/blogging, photography, BBM, the color taupe
Dislikes: fish, using public restrooms
Favorite Foods: ramen, sushi, Pinkberry coconut yogurt with chocolate shavings
Guilty Pleasures: Starbucks, Gossip Girl, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, following celebrities on Twitter, Google-ing
Favorite Movies: Kill Bill 1 and 2, Failure to Launch, The Sweetest Thing, Hitch, Empire Records, I Love You, Man
Favorite Books: Bringing Home the Birkin by Michael Tonello
Desired Superpower: telepathy, so I can stop guessing what people are thinking
about J...
Current Obsessions: cake/cupcake decorating
Dislikes: douches (as in guys)
Favorite Foods: noodles/pasta of any kind, salad
Guilty Pleasures: anything sweet
Favorite Movies: Serendipity, He's Just Not That Into You
Favorite Books: He's Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt, Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
Desired Superpower: to be able to see into the future so I would have a slight idea of where in the world my life is going
about K...
Current Obsessions: eating, sleeping, and cute things ^_^
Dislikes: dumb people and the word potential
Favorite Foods: sushi, cannoli, noodles, japanese-y food
Guilty Pleasures: chocolate, bacon
Favorite Movies: rent, mamma mia, moulin rouge
Favorite Books: all of my kentarou cookbooks!
Desired Superpower: super as much of whatever i want and not get fat or have any adverse health affects
about M...
Current Obsessions: chunky metallic jewelry, pretty detailing, cupcakes, my bb
Dislikes: over-complication, people who eat with their mouth open, making mistakes/being wrong
Favorite Foods: sushi, caprese, noodles (any and all)
Guilty Pleasures: the Twilight series, scotchmallows, starbucks, celebrity gossip
Favorite Movies: Love Actually, Moulin Rouge, Armageddon
Favorite Books: the five people you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom, little women by Louisa May Alcott
Desired Superpower: teleportation, so I could travel anywhere, anyday, anytime without having to sit in a stinky airplane
about R...
Current Obsessions: trying different restaurants, running, music, finding good deals
Dislikes: really hot weather
Favorite Foods: ravioli, hot pot, artichokes and broccoli
Guilty Pleasures: eating jelly bellys
Favorite Movies: Love Actually, Serendipity
Favorite Books: Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Desired Superpower:
about S...
Obsessions: black dresses, footwear (for myself, not others), chanel, fiberwig mascara, the colors black & cream, pearls (faux, since i don't have real ones), cooking, baking from scratch (except brownies, because boxed brownies taste much better), good red wine
Dislikes: geckos, birds, people who make noise when they eat, dumb people (and there are a lot of them in this world!!)
Favorite Foods: anything italian, pepperoni pizza, breadsticks, milk chocolate, cheese, espresso
Guilty Pleasures: vosges milk chocolate bacon bar, good red wine, perusing fashion/lifestyle/cooking/
Favorite Movies: you've got mail
Favorite Books: i'd prefer to "read" fashion or food magazines, or the pottery barn catalog
Desired Superpower: The ability to multiply myself, so i can be the ultimate multi-tasker
about t.lynn...
Current Obsessions: horses. unicorns. black gemstones. binders & sharpies. afi. coco rocha.
Dislikes: helplessness. the people upstairs doing construction.
Favorite Foods: dirty gin martinis.
Guilty Pleasures: alexa chung.
Favorite Movies: ever after. i love you, man.
Favorite Books: king of the wind [marguerite henry]. the alchemist [paulo coelho]. the tipping point [malcolm gladwell].
Desired Superpower: accelerated learning & permanent retention.